
How Accessibility and SEO Both Coinside Each other?

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How Accessibility and SEO Both Coinside Each other? – Best Accessibility Practices for Better SEO Performance

Including accessibility in website design and development is crucial for ensuring that users with impairments can easily access and utilize websites. In many nations around the world, accessibility is not just a social obligation but also a legal requirement. The visibility and search engine ranking of your website can be greatly impacted by accessibility, which is also a crucial component of search engine optimization (SEO).

This blog post will discuss the value of accessibility for search engine optimization and how to make your website more accessible to boost search engine rankings.

What is Accessibility?

It’s essential that you understand what web accessibility is before continuing. Accessibility can be defined as everyone having the ability to access something. Web accessibility is a means of assisting everyone, including the disabled, in accessing websites and web applications.

Web accessibility is the process of creating and building websites, tools, and technology so that persons with disabilities can access them, to use a more technical definition.

Users can perceive, use, and engage with the web much better with enhanced accessibility. We are aware of how search engines operate. They transmit robots that crawl websites, index them, and grade them according to various ranking criteria.

Similar to how it determines the context of what is being crawled, assistive technology (AT) depends on signals inside the code. Fortunately, ensuring that your website is accessible by these assistive technology devices doesn’t need much work on the backend. The majority of the requirements are taken care of by the crucial SEO ranking elements, including page titles, headings, anchor text, and ALT text.

Making sure the various forms of Users can readily use your platform is the majority of the accessibility effort that goes into a website or an app.

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Why is Accessibility Important for SEO?

Although search engine algorithms do not explicitly consider accessibility when ranking websites, they can significantly affect user experience, which in turn can have an impact on a website’s search engine rankings.

In a tweet, John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, stated that there are no plans for online accessibility to be formally incorporated as a factor in future upgrades, but he implied that users will leave a website if they are unable to utilize it for accessibility reasons.

When a website is challenging to use, users may be less likely to interact with it and refer it to others, which could reduce the importance of signals and make the site less noticeable in search results. On the other side, an accessible website is more likely to be user-friendly and interesting, which can improve user experience and possibly boost search engine ranks.

Google considers user engagement when evaluating a site’s position in search results. This means that if your website is simple to use and navigate, it may help to increase its visibility in search results. In other words, having a correctly constructed website can help your business prosper online in addition to being advantageous for persons with impairments.

How to Improve Accessibility for SEO?

Enhancing accessibility can enhance user experience and search engine ranking. Here are a few suggestions for enhancing accessibility for SEO:

Use Alternative Text for Images

Screen readers can interpret an image’s description, known as alternative text (alt text). For users with visual impairments, screen readers are computer programs that read online material aloud. Alt text helps screen readers comprehend what an image is about, and it also helps search engines understand what an image is about.

Use precise phrasing that accurately describes the image when adding alt text to images. Do not use cliches like “image” or “picture.” Instead, explain the context and content of the image.

Use Headings and Subheadings

Content organization is aided by headings and subheadings, which also make it easier to read and browse. Moreover, headings aid screen readers in comprehending the content’s organization. To arrange information and establish a hierarchy of headings, use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.).

Make sure headings appropriately reflect the information they are introducing when utilizing them. Avoid putting headings out of order and don’t use headings as decoration. For instance, avoid placing an H2 heading after an H4 heading.

Employ Color Contrast

There must be enough color contrast for those who have vision problems to read the text. Choose a background color that contrasts sharply with the text in order to make the text readable. The WCAG calls for minimum contrast ratios of 4.5:1 and 3:1 for regular text and large text, respectively.

Accurate Video Captions and Transcripts

Transcripts and video captions provide written representations of spoken or audio content for persons who have hearing problems or are unable to access audio content for other reasons. They may also benefit a website’s SEO by improving the information’s readability for search engines, which cannot see or hear videos.

Provide Descriptive Links

Links should have text that clearly and concisely describes their target. Generic terms like “click here” or “read more” should be avoided. Use descriptive text that accurately summarizes the information on the linked page as an alternative.

Ensure Keyboard Accessibility

Make sure a keyboard can be used to navigate a website. For those who are unable to use a mouse due to motor limitations, this is crucial. To switch between links and form fields, press the “tab” key while keeping the focus in view.

Provide Accessible Forms

People with impairments should be able to access forms. Label the form fields, and check that a keyboard can be used to complete it. Use error messages that completely and accurately describe the error and offer advice for fixing it.

Provide Text Transcripts for Audio Content

For audio content (podcasts, audio files, etc.), provide text transcripts. Text transcripts make the content accessible to those who have hearing loss and provide search engines more information to index.

Test Website Accessibility

Use accessibility testing tools, such as WebAIM’s Wave tool or Google’s Lighthouse tool, to routinely check the usability of websites. These tools are able to spot accessibility problems and offer solutions.


Accessibility is an essential part of website design and development that ensures that people with disabilities can use and navigate websites easily. Accessibility is also critical for SEO because it can impact search engine ranking and user experience. By implementing accessibility best practices, such as using alternative text for images, using headings and subheadings, and providing captions and transcripts for videos, you can improve your website’s accessibility and SEO. Regularly testing website accessibility using accessibility testing tools can identify accessibility issues and provide suggestions for resolving them. By making your website more accessible, you can improve your search engine ranking, user experience, and social responsibility.